Arizona’s Law Prohibiting Race/Gender-Motivated Abortions
Last week, Arizona enacted a new law prohibiting abortions carried out on the basis of race or gender. The new law makes it unlawful for physicians to perform or induce such abortions, and requires...
View ArticleConsistency Check: Torture, Abortion, & the Individual Mandate
It’s easy to take an indignant moral position on a single issue. “Torture is wrong.” “Abortion is wrong.” “Coerced transactions are wrong.” Such positions aren’t rare, and thus not particularly...
View ArticleAbortion, Infanticide, Murder, and Slippery Slopes
From Huffington Post back in November 2009, waiving off the accusation that abortion is a slippery slope to murder: The [South Carolina State House "born alive"] bill legitimizes the myth of the...
View ArticleUncivil Tongues: The Bad Manners of the Babykillers
Calling abortion rights advocates “babykillers” is pretty much a no-no in our civil society, and for good reason. Such talk only serves to inflame: nobody likes being demonized so they get pissed and...
View ArticleSay It Ain’t So, Joe
Biden in 2016. You’re freaking kidding me, right? Give me 3 points and I’ll take the spread on him being more ignorant than Michele Bachmann, favorite whipping girl of people who hate the GOP but must...
View ArticleAbortion and Eugenics
Eugenics still exists. There’s no nice or PC way to say this, but we abort our imperfects now. JP Morgan, a rich bastard everybody hated and for good reason, was drug up before the Senate for...
View ArticleVirginia’s “Foolish” Personhood Law? A look under the hood
Via LoOG regular Mr. Gregniak: Virginia’s House of Delegates has just passed a fetal personhood law. Virginia’s Foolish Personhood Law DOUG MATACONIS · SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 2012 · Virginia’s...
View ArticleMe On Conservatism
Strictly speaking, “conservatism” only plays for a tie. In American conservatism, there’s a bit of revanchism, but only so much of a rollback is even possible: overturn Roe and the question reverts to...
View ArticleCan we agree that THIS is wrong?
This seems like a good way to ease back into blogging after a long absence. Planned Parenthood of Delaware faces “allegations of unsafe and unsanitary conditions” as witnesses report a failure to...
View ArticleGosnell and our inadequate public discourse on abortion
Tim Carney wrote yesterday that when Obama was a state senator, he “repeatedly voted against legislation requiring hospitals to care for babies born during abortions” because “[s]uch laws might...
View ArticleHuman life is not too controversial
The rhetorical case for protecting the unborn has succeeded. The debate is over. It would be, that is, had the Supreme Court not issued – in Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s own words – a “difficult to...
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